
Toonies for Terry – We will be participating in an elementary Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 26th.  We ask that students bring a Toonie on the 26th.  All the money collected goes towards cancer research.

Orange Shirt Day on Monday, September 30th – On this day we will be participating in activities that will help students understand the history of residential schools as well as reconciliation.  Students are able to wear orange shirts on the 30th or they can also wear their uniforms.

Planners – we are asking parents to now sign planners each day.  We are encouraging students to get their planners out for their parents when they get home from school.  Please also encourage your child to get their planners out so you can read it over and sign it.

Gym Strip – we have gym every Tuesday and Friday.  Please ensure that your child has their gym strip at school these days.

Class Store – we will soon be opening our first class store.  As you may have already heard your students earn fake money for the different responsibilities that they take on in the classroom.  With the money they earn they can purchase passes or items such as books, crafts, school supplies, chocolate, or candy.   I provide many of these items, however we would love some additional donations.  Small bags of candy or items from home no one uses anymore would be great additions to our store.

Bible Memory Verse (BMV) – is Psalm 100: 2-3.  Please ensure that your child gets really familiar with these verses.

Math Quiz – will take place this Friday.  The quiz will be on addition and subtraction skills.

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